Nuk eshte ekzaktesisht nje shkurtim i opsioneve per prinderit qe duan te kontrollojne ngarjen e makines se femijve te tyre por Ford kerkon ti coje gjerat pak me larg me sistemin e tij te ri “My Key” ose “Celsi im”.E vendosur te debutoje ne Focus-in Coupe te 2010 dhe ne shume tipe te tjera makinash focus pas kesaj.
Sistemi “My Key” do tu lejoje prinderve te kufizojne shpejtesine maksimale te makines se tyre deri ne 130 km/h te ulin volumin e kasetofonit deri ne 44% te volumit te tij maksimal (Gjithashtu kasetofoni behet pa ze deri sa te gjithe te kene vendosur rripin e sigurimit). Dhe sikur kjo te mos mjaftonte ai gjithashtu do te jap nje sinjal qe karburanti po mbaron tek 120 km e fundit. dhe pasi shoferi kalon kufirin e 72 kilometrave te fundit qe mund te beje me ate karburant fillon nje sinjal tjeter akoma me i bezdisshem gjthashtu ky sistem ben te pamundur disa nga sistemet e sigurise te focus-it siç eshte sistemi i ndihmesit te parkimit dhe Cross Traffic Alert. Gjithashtu eshte e pamundur te ç’aktivizohet dhe hidherimi i femijes tuaj nga gjithe keto kufizime 🙂
There’s not exactly a shortage of options out there for parents that want to keep watch on their kids’ driving, but Ford looks to be taking things a bit further than most with its new MyKey system, and it’s making it standard issue, no less. Set to debut in the 2010 Focus Coupe and plenty of other Ford vehicles shortly thereafter, the key-based system will let parents limit their car’s top driving speed to 80 miles per hour, cut off the stereo’s volume at just 44% of its max output, and set a persistent chime to go off if the seatbelts aren’t being used (the stereo also gets muted until everyone buckles up). As if that wasn’t enough, it’ll also provide a low-fuel warning at 75 miles to empty, start issuing a surely annoying reminder as the driver inches up past the 45 mph mark, and make it impossible to disable some of the Focus’ usual safety measures like Park Aid and Cross Traffic Alert. Also not able to be disabled: your kid’s resentment.